3 research outputs found

    Being in the Digital World: A Heideggerian Perspective

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    The rapid advancement of the digital age has dramatically reshaped various aspects of human existence. Drawing from Martin Heidegger’s philosophical insights, this study explores the profound implications of digital technology on human life, particularly focusing on the concepts of enframing, alienation, authenticity, and the transformation of human relationships and temporality. Employing a qualitative, theoretical analysis, the study delves into Heidegger’s philosophical constructs of “Dasein,” “being-with-others,” and “enframing” to interpret the contemporary digital experience. The analysis synthesizes insights from Heidegger’s works with current digital phenomena, examining the impact of technology on human identity, relationships, and the perception of time. The study reveals that the digital age, while offering connectivity and efficiency, engenders a sense of alienation and challenges to authenticity. Digital interactions often lack the depth of face-to-face encounters, altering the nature of “being-with-others.” The perpetual flow of digital information disrupts traditional temporal experiences, impacting the contemplative nature of “Dasein.” Moreover, the construction of online identities poses questions about the authenticity of self in the virtual domain. The findings underscore the tension between the benefits and challenges of digital technology. While digital advancements facilitate unprecedented global connections, they also risk commodifying human experiences and relationships. The study highlights the need for critical engagement with technology, advocating for a mindful approach that fosters genuine human connection and preserves authenticity in the digital er

    The Dilemma of Religious Tolerance: Levinasian Critique and Proposal

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    Religious tolerance is a critical issue in pluralistic societies such as Indonesia. Without tolerance, the expressions of beliefs can lead to fanaticism, conflict, and hostility that negatively impact social security and stability. This article addresses the dilemma of religious tolerance by exploring and connecting the concept of “the Other” in Emmanuel Levinas’ thought as an ethical subject who requires protection and respect for the individual with the discussion of tolerance indicators in the context of religious moderation. This qualitative study employs a literature review method, with data collected through literature review and analyzed descriptively using Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophical perspective. The results indicate that religious tolerance in the framework of religious moderation, as found in Emmanuel Levinas’ thought, entails the recognition and respect for the identity of the “Other”. The “Other” is an ethical subject with the right to live free from discrimination and oppression. In the framework of tolerance, the “Other” is not merely allowed to exist and differ but necessitates the growth of respect and appreciation through fair and respectful treatment of those who are different. From Levinas’s viewpoint, the practice of religious tolerance must be carried out by considering the concept of ethical relationships between individuals and “The Other.” Religious tolerance manifests ethical responsibility to recognize and respect the existence of others with different religions and beliefs. This article proposes that Levinasian philosophy can provide a useful critique and proposal for the dilemma of religious tolerance in pluralistic societie

    Manusia, Alam dan Tuhan dalam Ekosufisme Al-Ghazali

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    Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menggali pemikiran Al-Ghazali tentang relasi manusia, alam dan Tuhan. Dari sini dibangun suatu problem utama bahwa kerusakan alam disebabkan karena ketidakharmonisan antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan, sehingga menghadirkan berbagai bencana seperti kebakaran, banjir, longsor, gempa bumi, tsunami, kekeringan, erosi, dan lain sebagainya. Pandangan manusia modern yang menjadikan alam sebagai objek menjadi problem yang hendak digali dalam artikel ini. Dari problem ini diharapkan dapat ditemukan formulasi primer tentang gagasan Al-Ghazali tentang ekosufisme sebagai solusi alternatif atas krisis lingkungan. Data riset bersumber dari karya-karya Al-Ghazali yang berisi tentang etika manusia kepada Tuhan dan etika manusia kepada alam, serta relasi timbal balik antara keduanya. Artikel ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan metode analisis konten dari beberapa karya Al-Ghazali yang berbicara tentang alam dan lingkungan hidup. Dari berbagai karya Al-Ghazali yang telah digali diketahui bahwa sumber ketidakharmonisan hubungan antara alam, manusia dan Tuhan disebabkan karena faktor konsumtif manusia atas kebutuhan hidupnya sehingga memacu manusia untuk berbuat serakah sehingga menjadikan alam sebagai objek pemenuhan kebutuhan hidupnya. Padahal alam adalah manifestasi cinta Tuhan di bumi, sehingga untuk mencintai Tuhan harus melalui cintanya kepada alam. Untuk itu diperlukan etika uzlah, mahabbah, wara’, zuhud, dan syukur agar terbentuk relasi etis antara manusia, alam dan Tuhan